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Research & Development

Papers produced by the Research&Development team on three main Areas, Ecology of Climate Change, Ecological Economics, Plant Protection and Environmental Marketing.

Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the Douro Wine Region Viticulture and Biodiversity

Mário Agostinho(1); André Carapeto(2); Nuno Vilela(3*)


1 Biologist, MSc Ecology; 2 Biologist, MSc Nature Management and Conservation; 3 Biologist, MSc Ecological Economics

*To whom correspondence should be addressed:n.vilela@sinergiaeambiente.pt

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Mainstreaming the Environment in Aggregate Agricultural Support Measures

Nuno Vilela1, Rute Pinto2

1 SINERGIAE Ambiente, Lda., Coimbra – Portugal, n.vilela@sinergiaeambiente.pt

2 IMAR- Institute of Marine Research, University of Coimbra, rutepinto@ci.uc.pt

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Linking International Trade And Environmental Sustainability, Differentiation Of Wine Brands And Companies In External Markets

Mário AGOSTINHO1; Nuno VILELA1; Orlando RAMOS1

1 SINERGIAE Ambiente, Lda

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