A Quarry Development Plan it’s a mandatory technical document constituted by the Mining Plan, the Environmental Plan and the Landscape Restoration Plan requested by the competent authorities when Quarry Licencing is requested as stated in the Decreto-Lei n.º 340/2007, October 12th.
Mining Plan
These Plan defines a set of conditions and procedures related with Quarry functioning, namely, transport and extraction systems, noise and dust monitoring, security systems, signalling and sewage.
Environmental Plan and the Landscape Restoration Plan
The Environmental Plan and the Landscape Restoration Plan sets the environmental mitigation measures during and after quarry functioning.
Additionally there are other legal procedures in which SINERGIAE can help your company:
Quarry Technical Responsibility
SINERGIAE has certified (by the competent authority) Engineers who will supervise the execution of the Quarry Development Plan. It’s the Quarry responsibility to present a tri-annual plan proposal and an annual technical report, in which, evidence of compliance with the tri-annual plan should be presented. These reports are of major importance since they will establish guidelines for the tri-annual mandatory audit by the competent authorities.
Embankment Licencing in Quarries
Quarries often produce a significant amount of waste. It’s important therefore to define the conditions in which construction, exploration and shutdown of heaps and mudflats aiming to reduce disturbance, public and environmental health problems as required by the Decreto-Lei 10/2010, February the 4th.
Landscape remediation of open-pit quarries can be done by dumping production residues onto the pit, the licencing for these operations are defined by the Decreto-Lei n.º 152/2002, May 23th.
As in other project typologies, SINERGIAE also has a long-term experience preforming Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring.