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Environmental Liability

 According to the D.L. n.º 245/2009, September 22th, for the execution of several business activities it is required a financial guarantee (often an insurance) which can cover expenses remedying damage to animals, plants, natural habitats, water resources, and damage affecting the land. The liability scheme applies to certain specified occupational activities and to other activities in cases where the operator is at fault or negligent. The public authorities are also responsible for ensuring that the operators responsible take or finance the necessary preventive or remedial measures themselves.

The financial guarantee is quantified after a technical valuation, SINERGIAE Ambiente provides Environmental Risk Assessment services in which risks of adverse effects on the environment are calculated, and the subsequent repair costs predicted, establishing the basis for the most cost-effective and realistic financial guarantee.

If it’s unclear if your business operations fall under the Environmental Liability law, we will be glad to clarify it for you.